Crisis edited by Dinos Siotis
For the last seven years Greece has been at the epicentre of a brutal economic, political and social crisis. Recession, austerity, cuts to wages, pensions and public spending have led to political paralysis, general strikes, riots in Athens and the dramatic rise of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn. Unemployment is now 27%, the highest in the EU. Youth unemployment is 60%. One in three households now live in poverty. In the last few years, the suicide rate has increased by more than 40%.
Crisis brings together, in Greek and in English, thirty Greek poets including Dimitris Angelis, Elsa Korneti, Νektarios Lambropoulos and Kiki Dimoula, as they try to address the crisis in their country.
Dinos Siotis was born in Tinos, Greece, in 1944. He is editor of the literary magazines (de)kata and Poetix, runs the (de)kata publishing house, directs the Tinos International Literary Festival and is currently president of the Greek Poets Circle. He has published twenty five books of poetry and fiction in English, French and Greek. His poems have been translated into ten languages. In 2007 he received in Athens the State Prize for Poetry for his book Autobiography of a Target.


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