Dragonish by Emma Simon
Loss, love and various severed body parts are scattered throughout Dragonish. The poems are rooted in family, friends and home while also reaching into other worlds: the circus of possibilities, an earth-bound heavenly host, London’s dryads and a nineteenth-century French brothel. Infused with a warm humour, tinged with darkness, the poems tempt the reader to peep beneath the surface of things.
From the introduction by Caroline Bird
‘It’s morning and as you drift up from sleep you linger for a moment, half-submerged inside a dream. This is the liminal space that Emma Simon’s poems occupy. Objects are animate. Time is tangible. […] Dragonish reminds us to squint our eyes and look again, to see life as it surreally is. You’re at home, you recognise these walls and yet something is different, untethered… there was a dragon in your dream… and now there is ash in the air…’
From the introduction by Caroline Bird
‘It’s morning and as you drift up from sleep you linger for a moment, half-submerged inside a dream. This is the liminal space that Emma Simon’s poems occupy. Objects are animate. Time is tangible. […] Dragonish reminds us to squint our eyes and look again, to see life as it surreally is. You’re at home, you recognise these walls and yet something is different, untethered… there was a dragon in your dream… and now there is ash in the air…’


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