Still Arriving by Veronica Aaronson
Still Arriving is a collection of deeply empathic and honest poems, inspired by the insights of Thich Nhat Hanh, in which Veronica Aaronson turns her eye upon herself, as she is ‘still arriving’. As are we all.
This collection shines with tenderness and is punctuated with understated insights that take your breath away. Family, friends, heirlooms, personal memories reveal their truths as they are studied with a forensic energy.
— Rebecca Gethin
The poet’s flow of memories and perceptions often stop the heart with their truth and unerring focus on just the right detail: these poems give voices to the multiplicity of existence where nothing is either fixed or denied and, wonderfully, where all is in the process of arriving. These are poems to read and re-read: a collection, to quote Whitman, that ‘contains multitudes’.
— Graeme Ryan
Aaronson’s use of form is skilled and varied, and her language is inventive – the moon yellowed brighter/ and musicked its journey across the sky. These poems distil the essence of living, and the very human business of being alert to love.
— Jean Atkin
Dempsey & Windle


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