The Emma Press Anthology of Love
Edited by Rachel Piercey and Emma Wright. Illustrated by Emma Wright.
Publication date: 25 Jan 2018
128 pages / 62 poems / 12 illustrations
Love is transcendent and love is everyday, found equally in a remembered tune, on the seashore or in a cup of tea. Often awkward, never perfect, romantic relationships have been a key subject for poets for centuries. In The Emma Press Anthology of Love, fifty-six poets speak to what love means to them right here, right now.
A beautiful book with atmospheric smudgy illustrations and ruby-red endpapers.
With poems from Catherine Ayres, Kathleen Moran Bainbridge, Daisy Behagg, Carole Bromley, Jane Burn, Jared A. Carnie, George David Clark, Kitty Coles, Ellie Danak, Alexandra Davis, Frank Dullaghan, Wendy French, Chrissie Gittins, Nashwa Gowanlock, Caroline Hardaker, Ramona Herdman, Lizzie Holden, Jack Houston, Paul Howarth, Anna Kisby, Rowena Knight, Anja Konig, Gill Learner, Rachel Long, Anne Macaulay, Antony Mair, Martin Malone, Roy McFarlane, Abigail Meeke, Rob Miles, Cynthia Miller, Marie Naughton, Penny Newell, Ben Norris, Paulius Norvila, Tish Oakwood, Richard O’Brien, Catherine Olver, Eeva Park, Rachel Piercey, Maya Pieris, Rachel Plummer, Stav Poleg, Jody Porter, Kate Potts, Samuel Prince, Shauna Robertson, Lenni Sanders, Jacqueline Saphra, Stephen Sexton, Arvis Viguls, James Walton, Ruth Wiggins, Rachel Willems, Kate Wise and Andrew Wynn Owen.


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