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Announcing our Spring 2018 Guest Selector - Kayo Chingonyi

We're delighted to announce the appointment of our Guest Selector for Spring 2018 - Kayo Chingonyi! Kayo will be casting an expert eye over our Spring 2018 quarter submissions and sharing his favourite poetry collection from the season. This is the perfect chance to catch something unusual and exciting which may have slipped through the net. We look forward to hearing his fresh perspective! 

Kayo Chingonyi is a fellow of the Complete Works programme for diversity and quality in British Poetry and the author of two pamphlets, Some Bright Elegance (Salt, 2012) and The Colour of James Brown’s Scream (Akashic, 2016). Kayo has been invited to read from his work around the world and his poems have been translated into Spanish, German, and Swedish. He was awarded the 2012 Geoffrey Dearmer Prize and served as Associate Poet at the Institute of Contemporary Arts from Autumn 2015 to Spring 2016. His first full-length collection, Kumukanda, is published by Chatto & Windus.

Watch this space for the Spring Guest Selection later in the year.

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