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The shortlist of titles for the Forward Prize for Best Collection and Felix Dennis Prize for Best First Collection have been announced! We're extremely pleased to see several of the PBS selections in the mix.

Our Summer Choice Venus as a Bear by Vahni Capildeo features in the best collection shortlist, alongside Black Sun by Toby Martinez de las Rivas, Don't Call us Dead by Danez Smith, Assurances by J. O. Morgan and Wade in the Water by Tracy K. Smith.

Spring selections Calling a Wolf a Wolf by Kaveh Akbar and Shrines of Upper Austria by Phoebe Power rub shoulders with other debut collections Jinx by Abigail Parry, Soho by Richard Scott and Everyone Knows I Am a Haunting by Shivanee Ramlochan.

All of these titles are available through our website at 25% discount for members! Simply click on the titles to find them on our online store. Best of luck to everyone in the running for winning these prestigious prizes, and also good luck to the shortlisted poets for the single poem prize! These are:

  • Fiona Benson – 'Ruins' (Wild Court)
  • Liz Berry – 'The Republic of Motherhood' (Granta)
  • Sumita Chakraborty – 'A death demands a labor' (PN Review)
  • Jorie Graham – 'Tree' (LRB)
  • Will Harris – 'SAY' (The Poetry Review)
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